Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a chance to dissect some media!!!!

Sugar Rush is a show that aired on Channel Four, a United Kingdom's TV station targeted at teenagers.  This is the station that aired the original Skins and the show Misfits, all which re-present teenage life in the U.K.  The pilot episode of Sugar Rush aired in 2005 and the show ran for 2 seasons and was awarded an Emmy before being cancelled in 2007.

This is the first ten minutes of the pilot episode: 

Use the readings from class, the discourses in the syllabus, Christensen, and SCWAMP to analysis this text and answer the questions:
How does this perpetuate the dominant ideology?
How does this dismantle the dominant ideology?
Think about Raby (if you have read it yet)- how does this [re]present teenagers?
How is this different from the [re]presentations of teenagers in the United States?
I am super interested to see how the class feels about this text!

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